B COOL - Kaštel Lukšić Brewery & pub
We provide a wide range of offers for our guests. Finest food & drinks on the Kaštela coast.
Delicious food right at the coast with the view of Kaštela bay and city of Split. - guest review

Everyday we have a wide offer of cold and warm drinks, BEERs, cocktails and other beverages. Start your day with a frest cup of coffee. What is better way to spice up your day than a cold drink in your hand made by professionals with love.
Čekamo te svakog dana u na obali Kaštel Lukšića sa velikom ponudom toplih i hladnih napitaka, pive, koktela i ostalih pića u našem baru. Nema boljeg nego započeti dan sa šalicom svježe mljevene kave ili pak svratiti na koktel kojeg rade najbolji koktel majstori u gradu, ...s ljubavlju!
One of the tastiest and wallet friendy food places at the beach. Choose your dish made by our professional cook. But be carefull .. the mix of flavours could leave you speachless. That is fine, you can fully enjoy your food.
Ponuda hrane u BCOOL brewery & pub nikad nije bila slađa! Hoćeš nešto konkretno za one baš gladne, ili pak svježe voće kako snack... imamo sve!
Pizza, sendviči, salate, grill, bruch, lunch, baš sve!

During summer, in BCOOL Brewery & pub @ Kaštel Lukšić we have a weekly program with different DJ every night. You can always check our program updated on our Instagram profile daily. Do you prefer a day party - come to our after beach parties. Or at night - join us at our mashups check out the hottest atmosphere on the coast.
Tijekom ljeta održavamo vrući tempo u BCOOL brewery & pub. Navečer atmosferu zagrijava mashup domaćeg i stranog uz naše DJeve. Detaljan i uvijek ažuran raspored događaja pogledaj na našem Instagram profilu. Osiguraj svoje mjesto rezervacijom stola uz paket pića!

Open hours / radno vrijeme
mon: | 07:00 – 00:00 |
tue: | 07:00 – 00:00 |
wed: | 07:00 – 00:00 |
thu: | 07:00 – 00:00 |
fri: | 07:00 – 01:00 |
sat: | 07:00 – 01:00 |
sun: | 07:00 – 00:00 |
Contact Us / kontakt
+385 91 722 5226